For many years, energy harvesting wireless sensor networks (EH-WSNs) development and implementation have been an important and emerging concept in developing technology, considering various EH techniques. This paper includes an investigation of EH-WSN schemes and discussion on various parameters like latency, network size, network density, distance, throughput, lifetime, power consumption, and efficiency related to different energy harvesting schemes. The proposed model demonstrates EH-WSN schemes using different techniques. This paper represents a comparison of various energy harvesting schemes in terms of nodes power consumption. This paper discusses the characteristics and attributes of energy harvesting wireless sensor networks (EH-WSNs). There are several methods to save energy in EH-WSN but they are based on static approach of sensor nodes so we use dynamic approach to minimize energy consumption of wireless sensor nodes. Our primary objective is to maximize lifetime of sensor nodes by minimize the average power consumption. We focus on maximum utilization of node battery, effective distribution of power from the energy harvester to reduce distance between cluster head and source of power. This paper is also highlights the challenges of EH-WSN and technical specifications of various energy harvesting systems. The proposed EH-WSN model replenished the sensor node battery recharging after they become out of service in an efficient way. For this purpose we will use mobile charger which travels to cluster head and provide energy. This article concludes on the compatible EH-WSNs scheme should be used to enhance system efficiency and focus on practical real-life applications of WSN based EH.