Guangshen Shang,Junjie Zhai,Guangxia Xu,Lili Wang,Xing Wang
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic fragments with particle sizes <5 mm, ubiquitously distributed in terrestrial environments. However, the negative effects of MPs, such as joint-pollution with heavy metals on soil fauna remain controversial. This study investigated survival rate, growth, reproduction, avoidance behavior, histology, biochemical assays, comet assay, qPCR, Cd content, and IBR index. We found that six types of traditional MPs (PC, PP, PVC, LDPE, PET and PS, and PLA (a biodegradable microplastics)) had no adverse effects on earthworm growth, survival and reproduction. Moreover, we found that earthworms exhibit an avoidance behavior towards PLA. Both PS and PLA can exacerbated Cd pollution, leading to loose circular muscle layer, DNA damage in coelomocytes, and impaired antioxidant system due to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). mRNA level of HSP70 increased under joint-pollution of both PS and Cd or PLA and Cd compared to Cd treatment alone. MPs enhanced Cd accumulation in earthworms in Cd-contaminated soil. Notably, the Integrated Biomarkers Response index revealed that the toxicity of joint PLA and Cd was greater than the joint effect of PS and Cd, which might violate the original intention of biodegradable plastics having non-toxic influence on the soil fauna. Our findings provide new insights into the ecotoxicological effects of MPs, the joint ecotoxicological effects of MPs and Cd on earthworms, and the ecological risks of MPs to soil fauna.