Shahid Ahmed,Richa Patel,Maneet Rana,Neeraj Kumar,I Indu,Mukesh Choudhary,Subhash Chand,A. K. Singh,Avijit Ghosh,Rajesh Kumar Singhal
The co-occurrence of salinisation and alkalisation is quite frequent in problematic soils and poses an immediate threat to food, feed and nutritional security. In the present study, root system architectural traits (RSAs) and ion profiling were evaluated in 21 genotypes of Avena species to understand the effect of salinity-alkalinity stress. The oat genotypes were grown on germination paper and 5-day-old seedlings were transferred to a hydroponic system for up to 30days. These seedlings were subjected to seven treatments: T0 , treatment control (Hoagland solution); T1 , moderate salinity (50mM); T2 , high salinity (100mM); T3 , moderate alkalinity (15mM); T4 , high alkalinity (30mM); T5 , combined moderate salinity-alkalinity (50mM+15mM); and T6 , combined high salinity-alkalinity (100mM and 30mM) by using NaCl+Na2 SO4 (saline) and NaHCO3 +Na2 CO3 (alkaline) salts equivalently. The root traits, such as total root area (TRA), total root length (TRL), total root diameter (TRD), total root volume (TRV), root tips (RT), root segments (RS), root fork (RF) and root biomass (RB) were found to be statistically significant (P + and K+ content analysis in root and shoot tissues revealed the ion homeostasis capacity of different Avena accessions under stress treatments. Principal component analysis (PCA) covered almost 83.0% of genetic variation and revealed that the sharing of TRA, RT, RS and RF traits was significantly high. Biplot analysis showed a highly significant correlation matrix (P <0.01) between the pairs of RT and RS, TRL and RS, and RT and RF. Based on PCA ranking and relative value for stress tolerance, IG-20-1183, IG-20-894, IG-20-718 and IG-20-425 expressed tolerance to salinity (T2), IG-20-425 (alkalinity; T4) and IG-20-1183, IG-20-894 and IG-20-1004 were tolerant to salt-alkali treatment (T6). Multi-trait stability index (MTSI) analysis identified three stable oat genotypes (IG-20-714, IG-20-894 and IG-20-425) under multiple environments and these lines can be used in salinity-alkalinity affected areas after yield trials or as donor lines for combined stresses in future breeding programs.