The specific Italian Group of Study of the Menopause formulated a consensus opinion on the use of estrogen therapy (ET) or combined estro-progestin hormone therapy (HT) after breast and gynecological cancers. This consensus is based on the risk of recurrence of the specific cancer during ET/HT, the presence of steroid receptors in cancer cells, the use of adjuvant hormone therapies and data on the use of ET/HT after cancer. The following positions were reached. ET/HT can be used after vulvar cancers and melanoma, but with great caution after the rare adenocarcinomas. ET/HT can be used after cervical cancer, but ET should be used with caution after adenocarcinomas. ET/HT can be used after International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) stage I–II estrogen-dependent endometrial cancers, except in Black women, and can probably be used after estrogen-independent endometrial cancers. ET/HT cannot be administered or should be used with great caution after most uterine sarcomas. ET/HT can probably be used after ovarian neoplasms except for granulosa cell tumors, and with great caution after low-grade serous ovarian carcinoma and serous borderline ovarian tumors. ET/HT can be used with great caution in women after estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor (PR)-positive breast cancer and is probably allowed after ER/PR-negative breast cancer.