Quantifying urban wastewater treatment sector's greenhouse gas emissions using a hybrid life cycle analysis method – An application on Shenzhen city in China
Substantial amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated at urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are gaining increasing appreciation. Improving upon the commonly used Process-Based Life-Cycle Analysis (PLCA) and Environmentally-Extended Life-Cycle Analysis (EIO-LCA) models, we construct a Hybrid Life Cycle Analysis (HLCA) model and quantify both direct and indirect GHG emissions at the operational stage of WWTPs in Shenzhen, one of the fastest urbanizing cities in the world. Data are collected from 26 wastewater treatment plants in Shenzhen, out of all 32, covering 5 commonly used wastewater treatment technologies in China, i.e. Sequencing Batch Reactor, Oxidation Ditch, Biological Filter, AAO-MBR and AAO. The results show that WWTPs using AAO-MBR technology have the highest GHG emission intensity, averaging 0.79 tons per m3, primarily due to its large electricity intensity required. WWTPs using other technologies emit 0.27 to 0.39 tons of GHGs per m3 of wastewater treated. GHG emissions associated with electricity use occupy the largest share, ranging from 65 to 75%. Therefore, transforming the energy structure of the electric power sector to low-carbon sources can reduce WWTPs operational GHG emissions. In total, GHG emissions from Shenzhen's urban wastewater sector have increased from below 0.5 million tons in 2012 to over 0.6 million tons in 2017. Inter-model comparison shows that EIO-LCA substantially underestimates the urban wastewater sector's GHG emissions using the water sector's average parameters while PLCA also results in minor underestimations due the omission of indirect emissions in the production stage of chemicals and other material inputs.