Short report: Effectiveness of a universal preschool-based program for emotional education in 3- to 5-year-old children with autism spectrum conditions
The “1,2,3,emoció!” is a universal preschool program of emotional education for children aged 3–5 years that has positive effect on emotional competence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this program specifically in 3- to 5-year-old children with autism spectrum conditions. The effectiveness was evaluated during the first year of implementation (school year 2018–2019) in Barcelona. We conducted a cluster randomized community trial, with schools as units of randomization. The children’s level of emotional competence was evaluated with the validated Emotional Competence Assessment Questionnaire (score range from 30 to 180). We designed a linear regression model for paired measures. The dependent variable was the final Emotional Competence Assessment Questionnaire score adjusted by the initial score, sex, and grade. The sample consisted of 49 children with autism spectrum conditions, of which 11 were girls. Children in the intervention group showed an increase from the initial score to the final score that was almost three times higher (16.1) than the increase observed in children in the comparison group (6.6). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant, with 8.9 points (95% confidence interval: 1.2–16.6) attributed to the intervention. We conclude that the “1,2,3,emoció!” universal program has the potential to be effective in children with autism spectrum conditions. Lay abstract There are numerous programs and interventions to improve social and emotional skills that expressly target children with autism spectrum conditions. However, there is less knowledge about the impact of universal (directed to all children) school programs of emotional education specifically on these children. In this context, the aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of the “1,2,3,emoció!” universal school program on them. The results show that children with autism spectrum conditions participating in the program improved their emotional competence more than the ones who did not participate. Therefore, we conclude that the “1,2,3,emoció!” universal program is effective in children with autism spectrum conditions. This promising outcome gives the opportunity to these children to benefit from group learning in an inclusive school setting, by complementing individual interventions with a universal program.