Background: Pueraria lobata is an important herbal medicine of Fabaceae family that has been clinically used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to counteract human disorders and associated secondary complications. Kakkalide also called irisolidone 7-xylosylglucoside is an isoflavonoid of Puerariae flos, Pueraria lobata and Flos Puerariae. Moreover, Kakkalide has a wide range of bioactivities in medicine. Methods: Biological potential of kakkalide was investigated in the present work through scientific data analysis of different scientific research work on kakkalide in order to know its therapeutic potential in medicine. Scientific data on Pueraria lobata were collected and analyzed in the present work. All the scientific data were collected from Google, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science Direct in the present work. Results: Scientific data analysis of kakkalide revealed its biological importance and therapeutic potential in medicine. The present investigation signified kakkalide’s effectiveness in inflammatory diseases, prostaglandin E2 production, liver complication, gastric injury, alcoholism, insulinresistant endothelial dysfunction, aldose reductase enzyme, hyperlipidemia, estrogenic activity, and stroke. In addition, the bioavailability of kakkalide was also discussed in the present paper. Present work also revealed the significance of analytical techniques for the separation, isolation and identification of kakkalide in different biological and non-biological samples. Conclusion: Present paper signified the health-beneficial aspects of kakkalide in medicine.