Incorporation of Small Molecules with Polar Functional Group to Elevate Crystallinity and Suppress Nonradiative Recombination in Perovskite Solar Cells
To get maximum efficiency, potential in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has made it hot research area now a days. Power conversion efficiency of PSCs is increasing by every passing day. Moreover, performance of perovskite absorber layer is important for high efficiency andlong term stability of PSCs. In this work, 2‐4 (Methyl sulphonyl) Phenyl) Ethylamine small molecules with functional groups are added inperovskite and enlarged grains are observed in the result. These effects show improvement in the performance of perovskite. Consequently, density of imperfections with additive in PSCs is alleviated and champion efficiency 24.16% has been achieved. Within corporation of additive with polar functional group crystallinity of absorber film is increased, that is confirmed by X‐ray diffraction and Uv‐Vis results. PL result show absorption is increased with addition ofadditive due to mitigation of nonradiative charge recombination. It is confirmed by GIWAX that charge transportation is increased since output peakintensity for (100) plane is larger than that of input. Overall, efficiencyis increased from 22% for control and exceeding 24% and stability enhanced with incorporation of small molecules.