Organoids recapitulate many aspects of the complex three-dimensional (3D) organization found within native tissues and even display tissue and organ-level functionality. Traditional approaches to organoid culture have largely employed a top-down tissue engineering strategy, whereby cells are encapsulated in a 3D matrix, such as Matrigel, alongside well-defined biochemical cues that direct morphogenesis. However, the lack of spatiotemporal control over niche properties renders cellular processes largely stochastic. Therefore, bottom-up tissue engineering approaches have evolved to address some of these limitations and focus on strategies to assemble tissue building blocks with defined multi-scale spatial organization. However, bottom-up design reduces the capacity for self-organization that underpins organoid morphogenesis. Here, we introduce an emerging framework, which we term middle-out strategies, that relies on existing design principles and combines top-down design of defined synthetic matrices that support proliferation and self-organization with bottom-up modular engineered intervention to limit the degrees of freedom in the dynamic process of organoid morphogenesis. We posit that this strategy will provide key advances to guide the growth of organoids with precise geometries, structures and function, thereby facilitating an unprecedented level of biomimicry to accelerate the utility of organoids to more translationally relevant applications. Organoids recapitulate many aspects of native tissues and even display tissue and organ-level functionality, although with limited control over morphogenesis. This Review describes an emerging framework, termed middle-out tissue engineering, that facilitates spatiotemporal control of tissue-specific cell niches to enable deterministic organoid self-organization and build more advanced in vitro tissue models.