Currently, more than 100 isotherm models coexist for the six IUPAC isotherm types. However, no mechanistic insights can be reached when several models, each claiming a different mechanism, fit an experimental isotherm equally well. More frequently, popular isotherm models [such as the site-specific models like Langmuir, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), and Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB)] have been applied to real and complex systems that break their basic assumptions. To overcome such conundrums, we establish a universal approach to model all isotherm types, attributing the difference to the sorbate-sorbate and sorbate-surface interactions in a systematic manner. We have generalized the language of the traditional sorption models (such as the monolayer capacity and the BET constant) to the model-free concepts of partitioning and association coefficients that can be applied across the isotherm types. Through such a generalization, the apparent contradictions, caused by applying the site-specific models alongside with cross-sectional area of sorbates for the purpose of surface area determination, can be eliminated straightforwardly.