Research on the stability evaluation of biotrickling filters (BTFs) under harsh conditions and the bacterial adaptation process still needs to be improved. Herein, BTFs with polypropylene plastic (PP) and ceramic raschig rings (CRR) were investigated for a better understanding of the biodegradation of ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and dimethyl sulfide (DMS). The results showed an excellent performance in removal efficiency (RE) for NH3 (91.6 %-99.9 %), H2S (RE: 55.3 %-99.5 %), and DMS (RE: 10.6 %-99.9 %). It was found that a more apparent positive correlation between N2O emission and pressure drop in CRR BTF (R2 = 0.92) than in PP BTF (R2 = 0.79) (P < 0.01). Low temperature promotes an increase in the abundance of Comamonas and Bacillus. The polysaccharides in PP and CRR reactors decreased by 78.6 % and 68.1 % when temperature reduced from 25℃ to 8℃. This work provides a novel insight into understanding bacterial survival under harsh BTF environments.