Preparation and optimization of conductive PDMS composite foams with absorption-dominated electromagnetic interference shielding performance via silvered aramid microfibers
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding materials with absorption-dominated EMI shielding mechanism can effectively annihilate electromagnetic waves (EMW) and avoid their repeated EMW pollution. However, it is difficult to achieve this goal for conductive polymer-based composites (CPC), because the interface impedance mismatch between air and CPC leads to massive reflection of EMW at the interface. Pores are beneficial to EMW penetrating into the interior of CPC and causing their multiple reflection, scattering and absorption in pores, thus endowing CPC with absorption-dominated EMI shielding characteristic. Herein, highly conductive silvered aramid microfibers (CAMF) were first synthesized via dopamine-assisted electroless deposition of silver coating on aramid microfibers (AMF), and then the conductive porous PDMS composite foams (PDMSF) with absorption-dominated EMI shielding characteristic were prepared and optimized via salt template method. As a result, PDMSF with 1.7 vol% silver content, the conductivity of PDMSF can reach 10-1 S/m, the EMI shielding efficiency (EMI SE) can reach 36.7 dB in X-band, and the average absorption ratio in EMI SE is 87%, while the density of PDMSF is only 0.28 g/cm3. The combination of lightweight, high EMI SE and absorption-dominated EMI shielding characteristic makes the porous PDMSF the latent EMI shielding materials in special constructions (e.g. military, confidential and nuclear facilities, etc.), aerospace, military equipments and transportation, etc.