Contents: Preface. W.F. Overton, Contexts of Meaning: The Computational and the Embodied Mind. K.J. Gergen, The Communal Creation of Meaning. G. Lakoff, What Is a Conceptual System? M. Turner, Design for a Theory of Meaning. E.K. Scholnick, K. Cookson, A Developmental Analysis of Cognitive Semantics: What Is the Role of Metaphor in the Construction of Knowledge and Reasoning? R. Jackendoff, Word Meanings and What It Takes to Learn Them: Reflections on the Piaget-Chomsky Debate. J. Macnamara, The Foundations of Logic and the Foundations of Cognition. T. Brown, Affective Dimensions of Meaning. J. Langer, From Acting to Understanding: The Comparative Development of Meaning. L. Bloom, Meaning and Expression. K. Hirsh-Pasek, R.M. Golinkoff, L. Reeves, Constructivist Explanations for Language Acquisition May Be Insufficient: The Case for Language-Specific Principles. C. Feldman, J. Bruner, D. Kalmar, B. Renderer, Plot, Plight, and Dramatism: Interpretation at Three Ages. R.F. Kitchener, Semantic Naturalism: The Problem of Meaning and Naturalistic Psychology.