In GPxs, the redox-active Se or S, is at hydrogen bonding distance from Gln and Trp residues that contribute to catalysis. From sequence homology of >400 sequences and modeling of the DmGPx as a paradigm, Asn136 emerged as a fourth essential component of the active site. Mutational substitution of Asn136 by His, Ala, or Asp results in a dramatic decline of specific activity. Kinetic analysis indicates that k+1, the rate constant for the oxidation of the enzyme, decreases by two to three orders of magnitude, whereas the reductive steps characterized by k′+2 are less affected. Accordingly, MS/MS analysis shows that in Asn136 mutants, the peroxidatic Cys45 stays largely reduced also in the presence of a hydroperoxide, whereas in the wild-type enzyme, it is oxidized, forming a disulfide with the resolving Cys. Computational calculation of pKa values indicates that the residues facing the catalytic thiol, Asn136, Gln80, and, to a lesser extent Trp135, contribute to the dissociation of the thiol group, Asn136 being most relevant. These data disclose that the catalytic site of GPxs has to be redrawn as a tetrad, including Asn136, and suggest a mechanism accounting for the extraordinary catalytic efficiency of GPxs.