The application of immobilized enzymes in pharmaceutical and bulk chemical production has been shown to be economically viable. We demonstrate the exceptional performance of a method that immobilizes the old yellow enzyme YqjM and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) on resin for the asymmetric hydrogenation (AH) of C = C bonds in a SpinChem reactor. When immobilized YqjM and GDH are reused 10 times, the conversion of 2-methylcyclopentenone could reach 78%. Which is because the rotor of the SpinChem reactor effectively reduces catalyst damage caused by shear force in the reaction system. When the substrate concentration is 175 mM, an 87% conversion of 2-methylcyclopentenone is obtained. The method is also observed to perform well for the AH of C = C bonds in other unsaturated carbonyl compounds with the SpinChem reactor. Thus, this method has great potential for application in the enzymatic production of chiral compounds.