Each method of obtaining materials has its specific physical and technical conditions, and thus allows the creation of materials with specific properties. As is often observed, the use of a new technological solution introduces new possibilities in the field of obtaining materials. The technique that creates such new opportunities is self-developing high-temperature synthesis (SHS). The term "Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis" was first introduced by a group of Russian scientists headed by Merzhanov et al. (1967) to describe a newly developed method for the synthesis of materials. This method involved the use of rapid and self-propagating combustion-type chemical reactions for obtaining materialsThe term was widely accepted and is most often used in the abbreviated form as "SHS". The other names of this method that are also used interchangeably in the literature are: combustion method, solid combustion, combustion synthesis, thermal synthesis, etc. Merzhanov and his research group on SHS initiated an increase in interest in this method worldwide, causing this specific type of phenomenon to give rise to a new autonomous interdisciplinary field of research and technology with many scientific groups working on it, a lot of research achievements, publications and implementations in industrial applications, specialized conferences (International SHS Symposia and SHS symposia during CIMTEC and ICACC), journals (International Journal of SHS), books and monographs. Techniques using SHS have already found their place in material technologies, especially for obtaining advanced ceramic materials.