Ethanol Industry: Surpassing Uncertainties and Looking Forward
Wilson A. Araújo
Abstract The ethanol industry has been an important contributor to country economies and their energy security strategies besides playing a significant role regarding climate change issues. Its share in the global biobased market represents over USD 55 billion of a total biobased market of about USD 65 billion. Ethanol production is clearly an essential part of that industry which is no longer merely one for the future. Besides the well-established first-generation biofuels industry based on grains, beet and sugarcane (ethanol and biodiesel), investments are currently occurring around the world to produce second-generation biofuels (eg, cellulosic ethanol) and biochemicals (eg, farnesene, propenediol, etc.). Based on market reports, academic studies and public information from industry associations and companies, this work pursues the understanding of cellulosic ethanol business dynamics as a viable alternative to increase global ethanol production. It provides a snapshot of the biobased economy and more granularly explores biofuels and ethanol industry growth challenges.