This paper proposes an automatic navigation mobile robot using Robot Operating System2 (ROS2) with low-cost embedded hardware. Utilizing Data Distribution Service (DDS) in ROS2 makes the ROS2 more safe and reliable than ROS1. Cartographer and Navigation2 projects in ROS2 are used for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with 2D LIDAR and navigation, respectively. Micro-ROS which utilizes DDS for eXtremely Resource-Constrained Environments micro-XRCE-DDS is used for communication between main embedded computer and microcontroller replaces ROS serial communication which is less reliable. The experiments prove that the robot can perform mapping and navigation tasks. A robot can generate a global trajectory in a static map to the goal point, can re-plan the local path in the local map area to avoid coming dynamic obstacles during the mission and navigate itself to reach the goal.