In this study, the efficiency of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to prevent alkali-silica reaction (ASR) was evaluated using the miniature concrete prism test (MCPT). The MCPT was shown to be significantly more reliable than the concrete prism test when benchmarked against field exposure blocks. Petrographic analysis showed that the relative degree of cracking observed in the MCPT prisms was of the same order as the expansions. The pore solution alkalinity (PSA) and electrical resistivity of the MCPT specimens showed a good correlation (R2 > 0.90) to expansions; these could be used as parameters to monitor the progress of ASR in accelerated laboratory evaluation. The correlations between MCPT expansions and hardened paste properties and binder oxide composition were also examined. The results suggest there is a possibility of predicting expansion from the binder properties and could potentially be used as an approach to determine preventive measures for ASR.