Part I. Introduction * Introduction to Emotions in Education Reinhard Pekrun & Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia Part II. Fundamental Principles * Concepts and Structure of Emotions Vera Shuman & Klaus Scherer * Affect and Cognitive Processes in Educational Contexts Klaus Fiedler & Susanne Beier * The Experience of Emotions During Goal Pursuit Charles S. Carver & Michael F. Scheier * Implicit Motives, Affect, and the Development of Competencies: A Virtuous-Circle Model of Motive-Driven Learning Oliver C. Schultheiss & Martin G. Kollner * An Attributional Approach to Emotional Life in the Classroom Sandra Graham & April Z. Taylor * Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions Reinhard Pekrun & Raymond P. Perry * Achievement Goals and Emotions Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia & Michael Barger * Emotional Intelligence: From Pop to Emerging Science Veleka Allen, Carolyn MacCann, Gerald Matthews, & Richard D. Roberts * Emotion Regulation in Education: Conceptual Foundations, Current Applications, and Future Directions Scott E. Jacobs & James J. Gross Part III. Emotions and Emotion Regulation in Classroom Settings * Interest and Enjoyment Mary Ainley & Suzanne Hidi * Curiosity Amanda Markey & George Loewenstein * Shame and Pride and Their Effects on Student Achievement Geraldine V. Oades-Sese, Tara A. Matthews, & Michael Lewis Anxiety in Education Moshe Zeidner * Confusion Sydney K. D'Mello & Arthur C. Graesser * Academic Boredom Thomas Goetz & Nathan C. Hall * The Role of Emotion in Engagement, Coping, and the Development of Motivational Resilience Ellen Skinner, Jennifer Pitzer, & Heather Brule * Regulating Emotions Related to Testing Paul A. Schutz, Heather A. Davis, Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby, & David Tillman * Transforming Students' Lives with Social and Emotional Learning Marc A. Brackett & Susan E. Rivers Part IV. Content Domain, Context, and Culture * Perspectives on Emotion in Mathematical Engagement, Learning, and Problem Solving Gerald Goldin * Emotions in Science Education Gale M. Sinatra, Suzanne H. Broughton, & Doug Lombardi * Emotion During Reading and Writing Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler & David N. Rapp * Situating Emotions in Classroom Practices Debra K. Meyer * Emotions in Advanced Learning Technologies Arthur C. Graesser, Sidney K. D'Mello, & Amber C. Strain * Teacher Emotions Anne C. Frenzel * Caregiving Influences on Emotion Regulation: Educational Implications of a Biobehavioral Perspective Susan D. Calkins & Jessica M. Dollar * The Influence of Culture on Emotions: Implications for Education Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby & Meca R. Williams-Johnson Part V. Measurement of Emotions in Academic Settings * Self-Report Measures of Academic Emotions Reinhard Pekrun & Markus Buhner * Observational Approaches to the Measurement of Emotions Rainer Reisenzein, Martin Junge, Markus Studtmann, & Oswald Huber * Neuroscientific Contributions to Understanding and Measuring Emotions in Educational Contexts Mary Helen Immordino-Yang & Joanna A. Christodolou * Autonomic Nervous System Measurement of Emotion in Education and Achievement Settings Sylvia D. Kreibig & Guido H. E. Gendolla * Measuring Situated Emotion Julianne C. Turner & Meg Trucano