Cardiac biomarkers have been studied in sepsis in the past and various mechanisms for their rise have been elucidated. However their association with severity of sepsis, mortality and myocardial dysfunction warrants further studies. We have studied three different cardiac biomarkers- troponin T (trop T), creatine phosphokinase MB isoform (CPK MB) and NT pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT Pro BNP) in patients with septicemia. We have attempted to observe the levels of these biomarkers in sepsis, their individual abilities to predict the severity of sepsis, mortality and association with myocardial dysfunction noted in echocardiography.There were 54 patients each of septicaemia and controls. The means of the three biomarkers, namely Troponin T, CPK MB and NT Pro BNP, were significantly elevated in patients with sepsis- mean values of 0.23±0.8 ng/ml, 9.9±13.4 ng/ml and 5988.62±13.7 pg/ml respectively. Myocardial dysfunction was observed in 27 cases. There were 13 non-survivors. Troponin T and NT pro BNP were strongly associated with higher mortality. CPK MB had better correlation with myocardial dysfunction.We conclude that myocardial dysfunction using echocardiography is seen in around half of the patients with sepsis. Cardiac biomarkers can be routinely used in patients of septicemia to suggest the severity of sepsis,to detect myocardial injury and dysfunction and prognostication. CPK MB may be very useful to suspect myocardial dysfunction in such patients.