Abstract The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationships between the nasolabial fold and superficial fascia on histology and P45 sheet plastination. Two centimeter width specimen of the nasolabial area were harvested from the skin to periosteum. Then, 10-μm sections were made, stained with Masson trichrome, and observed under a light microscope. Three head and neck specimens were sliced in horizontal sections (46 slices) using P45 sheet plastination (polyester resin corrosion-resistant method designed to preserve biological sectional specimens in situ). Through slicing, bleaching, dehydration, casting, forced impregnation, curing, cutting, and sanding the molds, P45 plastination provided good light transmission, allowing the internal structures within the sheet to be revealed clearly in their intact form. The observations on histology and P45 sheet plastination correlated well. The nasolabial fold consisted of the superficial fatty layer of superficial fascia (SFS). At the beginning of the alar groove level, the nasolabial groove was located on the point where the medial limit of SFS met the levator labii superioris. At the alar base level, the nasolabial groove was located where the medial limit of the SFS met levator labii superioris. At the mouth corner level, the nasolabial groove was located where the medial limit of the SFS met the modiolus, including the orbicularis oris. The superficial fascia became scanty near the nasolabial groove, and the SFS comprised the nasolabial fold. The results of the present study may be helpful for applying subcutaneous dissection or sub-superficial muscular aponeurotic system dissection in rejuvenation of the nasolabial area.