Further Understanding of Uncertainties in the Impedance Spectrum of the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell due to Inductive Effects and Oxygen Diffusion Time Constant
In this study, uncertainties during the assessment of the electrochemical impedance spectrum of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) attributed to inductive artefacts at high frequencies and inductive loops at low frequencies as well as oxygen diffusion time constant are discussed. A validated impedance model represented as an equivalent electrical circuit of a PEFC allowed the simulation of the effect of inductive artefacts, inductive loops and oxygen diffusion time constant on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements represented in the Nyquist plot. This study considers EIS measurements reported in previous studies and provides an insight into the EIS measurements with positive imaginary components at high frequencies attributed to the intrinsic inductance of the measurement cables during EIS tests and at low frequencies attributed to electrochemical mechanisms (e.g. side reactions with intermediate species) during PEFC operation. In addition, an overview of overlapping mechanisms (charge transfer and oxygen transport resistances during the oxygen reduction reaction) on the PEFC impedance spectrum attributed to oxygen diffusion across the cathode catalyst layer is presented. EIS measurements with positive imaginary components and with overlapping effects could yield to ambiguities when studying or relating electrochemical mechanisms (ion conduction, capacitance, charge transfer and mass transport resistances) of the PEFC through a defined single frequency or a single measured value represented in the Nyquist complex-impedance plot.