Objective: To explore the brain areas which have abnormal functional connectivity with anterior cingutate in opiate drug dependence during physical detoxification using a task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI), and to find out the role of anterior cingutate dysfunction in the relapse of opiate drug addicts during physical detoxification. Methods: From January to December 2016, eighteen participants of opiate drug addicts during physical detoxification who completed in Drug Rehabilitation Center of Anhui Province, and eighteen healthy controls recruited performed a cue-elicited craving task in a MRI scanner while signal data were collected. Two regions of interest were the right anterior cingutate and the left anterior cingutate, then the linear correlation between the whole brain and the anterior cingutates was calculated to find out the abnormal functional connectivity of the anterior cingutates. Results: Contrasted experimental group with the healthy controls, the functional connectivity of bilateral fusiform gyrus, caudate nucleus, and the anterior cingutates was increased in the opiate drug addicts during physical detoxification group (P<0.05),and the functional connectivity between anterior cingutates and polus temporalis, hippocampi, Middle frontal gyrus of orbit, Supplementary motor area, dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus was decreased(P<0.05). Conclusion: The anterior cingutates dysfunction of functional connectivity in a cue-elicited craving task may play a important role in the relapse of opiate drug addicts during physical detoxification.目的: 探讨生理脱毒期阿片类药物依赖者在任务态下与前扣带回存在功能连接异常的脑区及其在戒断复吸中的可能作用。 方法: 选取2016年1至12月安徽省戒毒康复中心住院完成生理脱毒阿片类药物依赖者与同期招募健康对照者各18例,在观看与阿片类药物线索相关视频刺激同时进行fMRI扫描,选取双侧前扣带回为种子区,功能连接分析确定与之存在功能连接异常的脑区。 结果: 与健康对照者相比,以双侧前扣带回为种子点,发现试验组功能连接增强的脑区为双侧梭状回、尾状核(P<0.05);功能连接减弱的脑区有双侧颞极、海马、眶部额中回、补充运动区、背外侧额上回(P<0.05)。 结论: 生理脱毒期阿片类药物依赖者在任务态下前扣带回存在功能连接异常,这可能是导致患者在生理脱毒期仍容易复吸的其中原因之一。.