Florian Zellweger,Pieter De Frenne,Jonathan Lenoir,Pieter Vangansbeke,Kris Verheyen,Markus Bernhardt‐Römermann,Lander Baeten,Radim Hédl,Imre Berki,Jörg Brunet,Hans Van Calster,Markéta Chudomelová,Guillaume Decocq,Thomas Dirnböck,Tomasz Durak,Thilo Heinken,Bogdan Jaroszewicz,Martin Kopecký,Frantíšek Máliš,Martin Macek,Marek Malicki,Tobias Naaf,Thomas A. Nagel,Adrienne Ortmann‐Ajkai,Petr Petřík,Remigiusz Pielech,Kamila Reczyńska,Wolfgang Schmidt,Tibor Standovár,Krzysztof Świerkosz,Balázs Teleki,Ondřej Vild,Monika Wulf,David A. Coomes
Local factors restrain forest warming Microclimates are key to understanding how organisms and ecosystems respond to macroclimate change, yet they are frequently neglected when studying biotic responses to global change. Zellweger et al. provide a long-term, continental-scale assessment of the effects of micro- and macroclimate on the community composition of European forests (see the Perspective by Lembrechts and Nijs). They show that changes in forest canopy cover are fundamentally important for driving community responses to climate change. Closed canopies buffer against the effects of macroclimatic change through their cooling effect, slowing shifts in community composition, whereas open canopies tend to accelerate community change through local heating effects. Science , this issue p. 772 ; see also p. 711