Superconductivity has been observed in moiré systems such as twisted bilayer graphene, which host flat, dispersionless electronic bands. In parallel, theory work has discovered that superconductivity and superfluidity of flat-band systems can be made possible by the quantum geometry and topology of the band structure. These recent key developments are merging into a flourishing research topic: understanding the possible connection and ramifications of quantum geometry on the induced superconductivity and superfluidity in moiré multilayer and other flat-band systems. This article presents an introduction to how quantum geometry governs superconductivity and superfluidity in platforms including, and beyond, graphene. Ultracold gases are introduced as a complementary platform for quantum geometric effects and a comparison is made to moiré materials. An outlook sketches the prospects of twisted multilayer systems in providing the route to room-temperature superconductivity. Flat bands enhance the effect of electronic interactions and have emerged as a promising platform for superconductivity. This Review explains the quantum geometric origin of flat-band superconductivity and superfluidity, and discusses its relevance in graphene and ultracold gas moiré systems.