Dan Z. Reinstein,Timothy J. Archer,Ryan S. Vida,Vimal Piparia,Joseph G. Potter
To identify parameters influencing the postoperative vault of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) (STAAR Surgical) using the Artemis Insight 100 very high-frequency (VHF) digital ultrasound robotic scanner (ArcScan, Inc) and develop a model to improve lens vault prediction.This was a retrospective analysis of 147 consecutive V4c EVO and EVO+ ICL implantation procedures performed over three phases in myopic eyes. In the initial phase, lens size was defined by published sulcus-to-sulcus and crystalline lens rise measurements (Kojima formula) from VHF digital ultrasound biometry. From these data, a stepwise multivariate regression analysis was performed to develop a model for predicting central vault including the following variables: ICL size, ICL power, sulcus-to-sulcus (STS), ciliary body inner diameter (CBID), zonule-to-zonule, STS lens rise (STSL), ACD, anterior chamber angle, scotopic pupil diameter (SPD), angle-to-angle, and white-to-white diameter. The resulting regression model was used in coordination with the Kojima formula to select the lens size for the next series of eyes. The regression analysis was then repeated and a further series were treated. The postoperative achieved vault at 1 month was compared to the target vault predicted by the formula. A comparison analysis of the new model was made to previously published lens sizing formulas.Statistically significant variables were ICL size, ICL power, CBID, STSL, and SPD. The primary 42 eyes (Kojima formula) achieved a mean vault of 506 ± 233 µm, a range of 810 µm (114 to 924 µm), and an interquartile range (IQR) of 391 µm. Using the Reinstein formula v1.0 for the next 36 eyes, the mean vault relative to target was +7 ± 123 µm, range of 569 µm (-278 to +291 µm), and IQR of 169 µm. Using the Reinstein formula v2.0 for the next 69 eyes, the mean vault relative to target was +67 ± 121 µm, range of 573 µm (-219 to +354 µm), and IQR of 131 µm. The achieved vault was within ±100, ±200, and ±300 µm of target in 33%, 50%, and 74% of eyes, respectively, for the training group, 58%, 89%, and 100% for the Reinstein formula v1.0 group, and 62%, 84%, and 94% for the Reinstein formula v2.0 group.This is the first report describing the ciliary body inner diameter, which proved to be more highly correlated with vault than STS, and thus CIBD supersedes STS from the previous widely accepted improvement over WTW sizing. The new model also found scotopic pupil size to be a significant predictor, which has not been a part of any previously published model. The significant improvement in vault predictability afforded by these parameters and the new model enables charting attempted versus achieved vault outcomes for the first time. [J Refract Surg. 2022;38(5):272-279.].