Titanium and its alloys are widely used in orthopedic implant surgery due to their good mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Recent studies have shown that the healing process of fractures involve not only the calcification of osteoblasts but also the regulation of the immune system. The functionalization of titanium surface coatings is one of the most important methods for solving implant failures. In this study, monetite (CaHPO4) was coated on the Ti-6Al-4V porous scaffold by hydrothermal method. SEM, XRD and EDS were used to characterize the morphology, phase constitutes, elemental content of the coating, respectively. The results indicated that a well bonded and uniformly distributed monetite coating obtained, and the degradation performance and Ca2+ release of the surface coating were also studied. In terms of biology, live/dead staining and CCK8 methods showed the coating had good biocompatibility and BMSCs can adhere and proliferate on the surface. Flow cytometry and ELISA indicated that the surface monetite-coating had good anti-inflammatory properties. Through RNA-seq analysis, it was shown in KEGG that the osteoclast-related pathway was inhibited. In vitro, monetite induced osteogenic gene expression in BMSCs and inhibited the activity of osteoclasts. In vivo experiments showed that the monetite-coating increased bone formation. In summary, monetite-coating can effectively promote the osteogenesis in BMSCs, which may be achieved through bone immune regulation.