Problem definition: Fulfillment flexibility, the ability of distribution centers (DCs) to fulfill demand originating from other DCs, can help e-retailers reduce lost sales and improve service quality. Because the cost of full flexibility is prohibitive, we seek to understand the value of partially flexible fulfillment networks under simple and effective fulfillment policies. Academic/practical relevance: We propose a general method for understanding the practical value of (partial) fulfillment flexibility using a data-driven model, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations. Our method applies to settings with local fulfillment (i.e., order fulfillment from the originating DC) prioritization and possible customer abandonment, two features that are new to the fulfillment literature. We then apply this method for a large e-retailer. We also introduce a new class of spillover limit fulfillment policies with attractive theoretical and practical features. Methodology: Our analysis uses dynamic and stochastic optimization, applied probability, and numerical simulations. Results: We derive optimal fulfillment policies in stylized settings, as well as bounds on the performance under an optimal policy using theoretical analysis, to provide guidelines on which policies to test in numerical simulations. We then use simulations to estimate for our industrial partner that a proposed fulfillment network with additional flexibility equates to a profit improvement on the order of tens of millions of U.S. dollars. Managerial implications: We provide an approach for e-retailers to understand when fulfillment flexibility is most valuable. We find that fulfillment flexibility provides the most benefit for our collaborator when gross profits are high relative to fulfillment costs or centrally held inventory is low. Also, we identify the risks of myopic fulfillment with additional flexibility and demonstrate that an effective spillover limit policy mitigates these risks. History: This paper has been accepted as part of the 2019 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Practice-Based Research Competition. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at .