In recent years, some extreme weather and public health events have led to frequent disruptions in agri-food supply chain networks in China, and scholars recognize the importance of this problem, but there are relatively few studies on the disruption propagation. Firstly, we construct the agri-food supply chain networks and the weak tie networks, and innovatively introduce weak ties into the disruption propagation of the agri-food supply chain networks. Secondly, we analyze the impact of two strategies, strengthening existing business relationships and establishing new business relationships, on the disruption propagation of agri-food supply chain networks under extreme natural disasters or unexpected wholesale market closures. Based on the results, the impact of disruption recovery on supply–demand relationships in agri-food supply chain network is analyzed. This research provides decision-making reference against supply chain disruptions and related problems. • Two networks are constructed both fitting truncated power-law degree distribution. • Weak ties are introduced into the disruption propagation. • Different disruption scenarios are considered in agri-food supply chain networks. • Two strategies assist in restructuring agri-food supply chain networks. • Conclusions may help managers improve the supply chain network resilience.