Background and objective As computed tomography (CT) screening for lung cancer becomes more common in China, so too does detection of pulmonary ground-glass nodules (GGNs). Although anumber of national or international guidelines about pulmonary GGNs have been published,most of these guidelines are produced by respiratory, oncology or radiology physicians, who might not fully understand the progress of modern minimal invasive thoracic surgery, and these current guidelines may overlook or underestimate the value of thoracic surgery in the management of pulmonary GGNs. In addition, the management for pre-invasive adenocarcinoma is still controversial. Based onthe available literature and experience from Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, we composed this consensus about diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary GGNs. For lesions which are considered as adenocarcinoma in situ, chest thin layer CT scan follow-up is recommended and resection can only be adopt in some specific cases and excision should not exceed single segment resection. For lesions which are considered as minimal invasive adenocarcinoma, limited pulmonary resection or lobectomy is recommended. For lesions which are considered as early stage invasive adenocarcinoma, pulmonary resection is recommend and optimal surgical methods depend on whether ground glass component exist, location, volume and number of the lesions and physical status of patients. Principle of management of multiple pulmonary nodules is that primary lesions should be handled with priority, with secondary lesions taking into account. .随着胸部计算机断层扫描(computed tomography, CT)检查,尤其是低剂量薄层CT筛查项目在中国的广泛开展,越来越多的无症状肺部磨玻璃结节(ground-glass nodules, GGNs)被发现。虽然国内及国际上已发布了一系列针对肺部GGNs的指南,但是这些指南的撰写者多来自呼吸、肿瘤及影像专业,可能缺乏对现代微创胸外科的充分认识,造成外科手术在肺部GGNs诊治中的作用不明确,甚至被低估;而且,肺部肿瘤相关的各学科对于早期肺癌,尤其是浸润前病变的处理也缺乏统一规范。因此,基于国内外现有文献及上海市肺科医院多年积累的经验,上海市肺科医院撰写了此诊疗共识。本共识推荐对于疑似肺腺癌的GGNs进行多学科评估,依据诊断,选择合理的处置方式。对于疑似原位腺癌,推荐进行胸部薄层CT随访,或在特定情况下进行不超过肺段切除的限制性肺切除;对于疑似微浸润腺癌,推荐进行限制性肺切除或肺叶切除;对于疑似浸润性腺癌,建议依据病灶是否含有磨玻璃成分、位置、大小、个数及患者躯体情况选择合理的手术方式;而肺多发结节的处理原则推荐为主病灶优先,兼顾次要病灶,综合选择治疗方案。 .