In a national effort, since 1972, the Swiss Government started the “National Long-term Monitoring of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program aimed at evaluating the chemical and physical states of major rivers leaving Swiss political boundaries. The established monitoring network of 19 sampling stations included locations on all major rivers of Switzerland. This study complements the monitoring program and aims to model one of the program’s catchments – Thur River basin (area 1700 km2), which is located in the north-east of Switzerland and is a direct tributary to the Rhine. The program SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was used to simulate all related processes affecting water quantity, sediment, and nutrient loads in the catchment. The main objectives were to test the performance of SWAT and the feasibility of using this model as a simulator of flow and transport processes at a watershed scale. Model calibration and uncertainty analysis were performed with SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty FItting Ver. 2), which was interfaced with SWAT using the generic iSWAT program. Two measures were used to assess the goodness of calibration: (1) the percentage of data bracketed by the 95% prediction uncertainty calculated at the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the cumulative distribution of the simulated variables, and (2) the d-factor, which is the ratio of the average distance between the above percentiles and the standard deviation of the corresponding measured variable. These statistics showed excellent results for discharge and nitrate and quite good results for sediment and total phosphorous. We concluded that: in watersheds similar to Thur – with good data quality and availability and relatively small model uncertainty – it is feasible to use SWAT as a flow and transport simulator. This is a precursor for watershed management studies.