Microbial amino acid metabolism may lead to substantial amounts of biogenic amines in either spontaneously fermented or spoiled foods. For products manufactured with starter cultures, it has been suggested that certain strains may produce higher amounts of such amines than others; however, to support efforts of food manufacturers in mitigating amine formation, reliable methods for amine quantitation are needed. Using 10 isotopically labeled biogenic amines as the internal standards, stable isotope dilution assays were developed for the quantitation of 12 biogenic amines and of the 2 polyamines, spermine and spermidine, in one LC-MS/MS run. Application of the method to several foods revealed high concentrations of, for example, tyramine and putrescine in salami and fermented cabbage, whereas histamine was highest in Parmesan cheese and fermented cabbage. On the other hand, ethanolamine was highest in red wine and Parmesan cheese. The results suggest that different amino acid decarboxylases are active in the respective foods depending on the microorganisms present. The polyamine spermine was highest in salami and tuna.