In this retrospective study of 41 cats with chronic nasal disease diagnoses included nasal neoplasia (n = 19), idiopathic chronic rhinosinusitis (ICRS) (n = 12), nasopharyngeal polyps (n = 3), foreign bodies (n = 2), nasopharyngeal stenosis (n = 1) and nasal aspergillosis (n = 1). In 3 cats diagnosis could not be established despite thorough work-up. Gender, indoor or outdoor housing, quality or quantity of nasal discharge, bacteriological findings of nasal flushes, radiology and CT findings did not differ significantly between cats with neoplasia and cats with ICRS. Cats with neoplasia were older (3 - 15, median 11 years) and showed clinical signs for a shorter period of time (1 - 8, median 2 months) than cats with ICRS (age 1 - 13, median 7.5 years; signs: 1 - 36, median 5 months). In all cats with neoplasia a mass was detected rhinoscopically, while this was only seen in 30 % of cats with ICRS. The exact diagnosis has to be established by examination of biopsy samples. A combination of physical examination, imaging studies and rhinoscopy with cytological and histopathological examination of samples enhances the likelihood for a correct diagnosis.