Alexander Wurzer,Julia Pollmann,Alexander Schmidt,Dominik Reich,Hans‐Jürgen Wester,Johannes Notni
Radiopharmaceuticals targeting the enzyme prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA; synonyms: glutamate carboxypeptidase II, NAALADase; EC have recently emerged as powerful agents for diagnosis and therapy (theranostics) of prostate carcinoma (PCa). The radiation doses for therapeutic application of such compounds are limited by substantial uptakes in kidneys and salivary glands, with excess doses reportedly leading to radiotoxicity-related adverse effects, such as kidney insufficiency or xenostomia. On the basis of the triazacyclononane-triphosphinate (TRAP) chelator, monomeric to trimeric conjugates of the PSMA inhibitor motif lysine-urea-glutamic acid (KuE) were synthesized by means of Cu(I)-mediated (CuAAC) or 5-aza-dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)-driven, strain-promoted click chemistry (SPAAC), which were labeled with gallium-68 for application in positron emission tomography (PET), and characterized in terms of PSMA affinity (determined in cellular displacement assays against I-125-BA) and lipophilicity (expressed as log D). Using subcutaneous murine LNCaP (PSMA-positive human prostate carcinoma) xenografts, the influence of ligand multiplicity, affinity, polarity, and molar activity (i.e., mass dose) on the uptakes in tumor, kidney, salivary, and background (muscle) was analyzed by means of region-of-interest (ROI) based quantification of small-animal PET imaging data. As expected, trimerization of the KuE motif resulted in high PSMA affinities (IC50 ranging from 6.0–1.5 nM). Of all parameters, molar activity/cold mass had the most pronounced influence on PET uptakes. Because accumulation in nontumor tissues was effected to a larger extent than tumor uptakes, lower molar activities resulted in substantially better tumor-to-organ ratios. For example, for one trimer, 68Ga-AhxKuE3 (IC50 = 1.5 ± 0.3 nM, log D = −3.8 ± 0.1), a higher overall amount of active compound (12 pmol vs 2 nmol, equivalent to molar activities of 1200 and 8 MBq/nmol) resulted in a remarkable reduction of the kidney-to-tumor ratio from 11.4 to 1.4, respectively, at 60 min p.i. Our study suggests that, for PSMA-targeting radiopharmaceuticals, molar activity has a more pronounced influence on small-animal PET imaging results than structural or in vitro parameters.