Adsorption energies on surfaces are excellent descriptors of their chemical properties, including their catalytic performance. High-throughput adsorption energy predictions can therefore help accelerate first-principles catalyst design. To this end, we present over 5000 DFT calculations of H adsorption energies on dilute Ag alloys and describe a general machine learning approach to rapidly predict H adsorption energies for new Ag alloy structures. We find that random forests provide accurate predictions and that the best features are combinations of traditional chemical and structural descriptors. Further analysis of our model errors and the underlying forest kernel reveals unexpected finite-size electronic structure effects: embedded dopant atoms can display counterintuitive behavior such as nonmonotonic trends as a function of composition and high sensitivity to dopants far from the adsorbing H atom. We explain these behaviors with simple tight-binding Hamiltonians and d-orbital densities of states. We also use variations among forest leaves to predict the uncertainty of predictions, which allows us to mitigate the effects of larger errors.