A 49-year-old female admitted because of anemia. had skin rashes since age 20. Generalized lymphadenopathy and fever appeared and the patient was diagnosed as multicentric Castleman's disease (MCD) at 40 years of age. Lymphadenopathy and fever improved with combined chemotherapy. In November, 1992, anemia increased with reticulocytosis (11.8%) and laboratory examination revealed a positive result for Coombs test and increased indirect bilirubin. A diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) was made. Steroid and plasmapheresis showed temporary effects, but anemia relapsed when steroids were decreased. Immunosuppressive drugs, vincristine and danazole were ineffective. Anemia improved on the second attempt at steroid therapy. The level of Hb rose to 11.2 g/dl after 3 months. The relationship between MCD and AIHA was discussed.