Recognition of advanced abdominal pregnancy and care of the patient afflicted with it may present formidable challenges. Aside from the difficulty of diagnosing the problem and thereby delaying necessary intervention, management can be difficult at best, even when the condition is relatively uncomplicated. When it is compounded by a life-threatening complication, such as uncontrollable hemorrhage, it challenges the skills of the most experienced obstetrician and the resources of the best-equipped facility and its personnel.Partial placental separation was encountered at surgery; it progressed intraoperatively despite the care taken to avoid disturbing the placental implantation site. Severe hemorrhage was controlled by a combination of aortic compression, packing and use of large "liver" sutures incorporating the uterine wall for tamponade of the principal placental implantation site, on the mesentery.It is important to be prepared to deal with the complication of intense intraabdominal bleeding in the course of intraoperative management of abdominal pregnancy.