Abstract This is a tutorial on the basic concepts underlying bipolar electrochemistry. It is intended as an accompaniment to ChemElectroChem ’s special issue on this topic. The guest editors of this special issue think it is worthwhile to introduce bipolar electrochemistry to a broader (electrochemistry) audience by explaining the similarities and differences between bipolar electrochemistry and normal electrochemical methods. The work presented herein has been adapted from: S. E. Fosdick, K. N. Knust; K. Scida; R. M. Crooks “Bipolar Electrochemistry” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed . 2013 , 52 , 10438–10456 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201300947); “Bipolare Elektrochemie” Angew. Chem . 2013 , 125 , 10632–10651 (DOI: 10.1002/ange.201300947).