The study evaluated the rheological properties and volatile profile of emulsion filled gels (EFG) composed of inulin, dry-fractionated proteins of red lentil (RL) and black chickpea (BC), and containing three percentages of sunflower seed oil (5%, 10% and 15%). The EFG were then used as fat replacers in the formulation of low-fat brioches. The EFG showed shear thinning behavior, and the EFG containing 15% oil was found to have the highest consistency index. EFG viscosity and viscoelasticity were significantly affected by RL and BC, oil concentration and storage (4 °C for 24 h). EFG made using BC was selected for vegan brioche production due to its lower concentration of undesirable volatile compounds linked to pulse flavor. All the vegan brioches obtained met the criteria for labeling as "low-fat" (Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006). The use of EFG reduced total porosity and pore connectivity but increased hardness and chewiness. The brioche made with EFG containing 15% oil had the lowest levels of hardness and chewiness, and was most similar to the control in its volatile profile and typical brioche odor. These results indicate that EFG containing 15% oil has the potential to replace fat in the production of vegan brioches.