Abstract A plant layout design is one of the essential tasks for improving industry performance and the wellbeing of the production process. Kharagpur railway station is one of the biggest railway stations in INDIA, and the motorcoach shop is one of the workshops for the maintenance and repairing of the coaches. This workshop consists of the various department for serving the purpose of repairing works. Around ninety employees work for maintenance which comes for repair and maintenance work. It observed that the working area spread through the space and did not utilize it to the maximum extent, and material flows are not systematic. This study aims to redesign the facility layout of the motorcoach shop using Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) to maximize the utilization area and reduce idle space. Two design alternatives were proposed and compared the performance of each design with the initial layout. Based on the calculation of total area facility layout chosen since proposed layout able to improve the utilization by 30% and material flow rate by 20%.