The gradually increasing need for fossil fuels demands renewable biofuel substitutes. This has fascinated an increasing investigation to design innovative energy fuels that have comparable Physico-chemical and combustion characteristics with fossil-derived fuels. The efficient microbes for bioenergy synthesis desire the proficiency to consume a large quantity of carbon substrate, transfer various carbohydrates through efficient metabolic pathways, capability to withstand inhibitory components and other degradation compounds, and improve metabolic fluxes to synthesize target compounds. Metabolically engineered microbes could be an efficient methodology for synthesizing biofuel from cellulosic biomass by cautiously manipulating enzymes and metabolic pathways. This review offers a comprehensive perspective on the trends and advances in metabolic and genetic engineering technologies for advanced biofuel synthesis by applying various heterologous hosts. Probable technologies include enzyme engineering, heterologous expression of multiple genes, CRISPR-Cas technologies for genome editing, and cell surface display.