In tropical and subtropical areas, tuber and root crops are staple foods and a key source of energy. Sweet potato (SP) is currently regarded as one of the world's top ten foods because of its diverse sizes, shapes, color, and health benefits. The resistant starch (RS) content of SP is substantial. It is predicted to become the cheapest item in the food industry due to its extensive variety, food stability, emulsifier and fat substitution capabilities, and as filler. As a result, interest in SP-sourced RS has recently increased. Due to their unique nutritional and functional qualities, novelty has become a popular research focus in recent years. This review will summarize the current understanding of SP starch components and their impact on the technological and physicochemical properties of produced starch for commercial viability. The importance of sweet potato RS in addressing future RS demand sustainability is emphasized. SPs are a viable alternative to tubers as a sustainable raw material for RS production. It has an advantage over tubers because of its intrinsic nutritional value and climatic endurance. Thermal, chemical, and enzymatic treatments are effective RS manufacturing procedures. The adaptability of sweet potato RS allows for a wide range of food applications.