Combined X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and $ab$ $initio$
study of (TMTTF)$_2$PF$_6$ under pressure: implications to the unified phase
We present a combined experimental and theoretical study on the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor (TMTTF)$_2$PF$_6$, and elucidate the variation of its physical properties under pressure. We fully resolve the crystal structure by single crystal x-ray diffraction measurements using a diamond anvil cell up to 8 GPa, and based on the structural data, we perform first-principles density-functional theory calculations and derive the $ab$ $initio$ extended Hubbard-type Hamiltonians. Furthermore, we compare the behavior of the resistivity measured up to 3 GPa using a BeCu clamp-type cell and the ground state properties of the obtained model numerically calculated by the many-variable variational Monte Carlo method. Our main findings are as follows: i) The crystal was rapidly compressed up to about 3 GPa where the volume drops to 80% and gradually varies down to 70% at 8 GPa. The transfer integrals increase following such behavior whereas the screened Coulomb interactions decrease, resulting in a drastic reduction of correlation effect. ii) The degree of dimerization in the intrachain transfer integrals, as the result of the decrease in structural dimerization together with the change in the intermolecular configuration, almost disappears above 4 GPa; the interchain transfer integrals also show characteristic variations under pressure. iii) The results of identifying the characteristic temperatures in the resistivity and the charge and spin orderings in the calculations show an overall agreement: The charge ordering sensitively becomes unstable above 1 GPa, while the spin ordering survives up to higher pressures. These results shed light on the similarities and differences between applying external pressure and substituting the chemical species (chemical pressure).