The performance potentials and limits for GaN current aperture vertical electron transistors with conventional, doped, and natural polarization superjunction (PSJ) drift layers at 1.2–10 kV breakdown voltage (BV) ratings are quantitatively compared. The static and dynamic performance parameters for each device are simulated and extracted. The specific on‐resistance R ON,sp and specific total charge Q T,sp (defined as the sum of specific gate charge Q G,sp and specific drain–source charge Q DS,sp ) are extracted from Medici technology computer‐aided design simulations representing both the static and dynamic performance respectively. Moreover, a developed figure‐of‐merit (FoM) ( R ON,sp · Q T,sp ) is used to quantitively compare the performance of these field‐effect transistors in the range of BV ratings. Compared to the doped superjunction (DSJ) and conventional CAVETs, natural PSJ CAVET exhibits 1%–60% and 70%–99% reduction in R ON,sp , while it is 100 to 1000× reduction in Q T,sp , at BV between 1.2 and 10 kV respectively. Simultaneously, 22%–80% and 80%–99% reduction in performance FoM respectively are found.