Mammalian embryogenesis begins with a totipotent zygote. Blastocyst-like structures can be captured by aggregated cells with extended pluripotent properties in a three-dimensional (3D) culture system. However, the efficiency of generating blastoids is low, and it remains unclear whether other reported totipotent-like stem cells retain a similar capacity. In this study, we demonstrated that spliceosomal repression-induced totipotent blastomere-like cells (TBLCs) form blastocyst-like structures within around 80% of all microwells. In addition, we generated blastoids initiating from a single TBLC. TBLC-blastoids express specific markers of constituent cell lineages of a blastocyst and resemble blastocyst in cell-lineage allocation. Moreover, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that TBLC-blastoids share a similar transcriptional profile to natural embryos, albeit composed of fewer primitive endoderm-like cells. Furthermore, TBLC-blastoids can develop beyond the implantation stage in vitro and induce decidualization in vivo. In summary, our findings provided an alternative cell type to efficiently generate blastoids for the study of early mouse embryogenesis.