Abstract High-temperature superconductor (HTS) cables and magnets are enabling a range of high-current and high-field applications, including compact fusion devices aiming to achieve net energy. Defects in HTS pose manufacturing, cost, and operational challenges. A rigorous understanding and predictive capability for defect-induced behavior at relevant scale has not been established. To address this shortcoming, we have developed a cable-level defect characterization experimental platform coupled to high-fidelity computational modeling. The cable ( Ic∼ 438 A at 77.4 K, self-field) comprises a non-twisted 70 cm-long copper former containing a soldered stack of five rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) tapes (each with Ic = 115.7 A/4 mm-w at 77.4 K, self-field), which can contain a variety of induced defects. Spatially-resolved electric fields are measured with a high-density voltage tap array and absolute current distribution with six custom-wound embedded Rogowski coils. 3D circuit modeling uses nodal analysis and self-consistently accounts for the magnetic field dependence of critical current. The model successfully predicts the experimentally measured spatial and operating current dependencies of electric field and current distribution with no defects, one defect, and two defects, validating the defect characterization platform as a tool for improving the design, cost, fabrication, and operation of REBCO cables.