ABSTRACTSurface-patterned membranes are becoming increasingly attractive for reducing fouling in membrane processes for water treatment. In this review article, literature on simulations of physically surface-patterned membranes is reviewed, with emphasis on the various factors affecting their anti-fouling performance. Associated computational techniques, including computational fluid dynamics and Brownian dynamics, are discussed. Key parameters discussed in the literature include the dimensions of the membrane (height, width), the velocity and direction of the fluid flow, the size of the particles, and the pattern size (height, width, and pitch). The key observables are the shear stress and velocity streamlines at various points, especially the pattern apex and valley regions, with an un-patterned membrane as a point of comparison in studies. The review concludes that the pattern dimensions have the most significant influence on the anti-fouling performance. Also, the effect of particle size to membrane pattern ratio on the extent of particle deposition on the membrane (fouling activity) can be explained by understanding the shear stress distribution around the membrane.KEYWORDS: Patterned membraneanti-foulingsimulationComputational fluid dynamics (CFD)Brownian dynamics (BD) AcknowledgmentsDC is thankful to the Ministry of Education, India, for providing research fellowship.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).