Previous researches have proven that corporate social responsibility(adhere CSR) is positively related to corporate performance. But Most of CSR related researches have several limitations. One of limitations is that those researches treated CSR as unidimensional construct. Almost researchers in the area of CSR concepts insisted that CSR is consist of multi dimensions. Carroll`s four dimensions of CSR have been utilized by numerous academicians. Carroll asserted that CSR is composed of four dimensions: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibility. But Carroll`s dimensions were revised as three dimensions by Schwartz and Carroll, because ethical and philanthropic responsibility are not mutually exclusive. If CSR construct is composed of multiple dimensions, a message related to one of dimensions changes beliefs or evaluations about other dimensions that are not mentioned in the message. This phenomenon is called as "spillover effect". According to Ahluwalia, Unnava, and Burnkrant, negative information spills over to attributes that are associated with the target attributes but not mentioned in the message. Like this, this preponderant effect of negative information over positive information has been termed the "negativity effect". In this paper, authors try to prove the spillover effect and negativity effect among Schwartz and Carroll`s three dimensions(economic, legal, and ethical responsibility) of CSR. The results of this study show that messages related to legal and ethical responsibility cause spillover effect and influence consumers` evaluation to other dimensions. Moreover, when negativity effect is added on spillover effect, spillover effect is more increased. It means that negative messages related to legal and ethical responsibility is more harmful to corporate image than negative message related to economic responsibility. The results of this study will help companies to manage corporate image using CSR messages as marketing communication tools. Companies should manage messages related to legal and ethical responsibility for more efficiently managing corporate image. Specially, because negative messages related to legal and ethical responsibility are more harmful to corporate image, companies must take care not to spread out negative message related to legal and ethical responsibility. Finally, we discuss the implications of the findings and limitations.