Claire Petit,Benjamin Lacas,Jean‐Pierre Pignon,Quynh‐Thu Le,Vincent Grégoire,Cai Grau,Allan Hackshaw,Björn Zackrisson,Mahesh Parmar,Ju-Whei Lee,Maria Grazia Ghi,Giuseppe Sanguineti,Stéphane Temam,M. Cheugoua-Zanetsie,Brian O’Sullivan,Marshall R. Posner,Everett E. Vokes,Juan Jesús Cruz,Z. Szutkowski,Éric Lartigau,Volker Budach,Rafał Suwiński,Michael Poulsen,Shaleen Kumar,Sarbani Ghosh Laskar,Jean‐Jacques Mazeron,Branislav Jeremić,John Simes,Lai‐ping Zhong,Jens Overgaard,Catherine Fortpied,Pedro A. Torres‐Saavedra,Jean Bourhis,Anne Aupérin,Pierre Blanchard,David J. Adelstein,J. Agarwal,M. Alfonsi,Athanassios Argiris,A. Aupérin,Andrea Bacigalupo,Voichita Bar‐Ad,H. Bartelink,Beth M. Beadle,Y. Belkacemi,René‐Jean Bensadoun,J. Bernier,Pierre Blanchard,Jean Bourhis,Åse Bratland,David M. Brizel,Volker Budach,W. Budach,Barbara Burtness,G. Calais,Brittany Campbell,Jimmy J. Caudell,Sylvie Chabaud,Emmanuel Chamorey,Devendra Chaukar,M. Cheugoua-Zanetsie,K.H. Cho,O. Choussy,Juan Jesús Cruz,James W. Denham,W. Dobrowsky,M.M. Dominello,C.M.L. Driessen,C. Fallai,Arlene A. Forastiere,Catherine Fortpied,George Fountzilas,P. Garaud,A.S. Garden,B. Géry,Pirus Ghadjar,M.G. Ghi,Sarbani Ghosh Laskar,P. Graff-Cailleaud,Cai Grau,Vincent Grégoire,A. Hackshaw,E. Haddad,Bruce G. Haffty,Aaron R. Hansen,John Hay,Stefanie Hayoz,Jean-Claude Horiot,Ricardo Hitt,Branislav Jeremić,Jørgen Johansen,Christopher U. Jones,M. Juliéron,Claus A. Kristensen,Shaleen Kumar,Benjamin Lacas,Johannes A. Langendijk,M. Lapeyre,Éric Lartigau,Lisa Licitra,Quynh‐Thu Le,J.W. Lee,Phillip Lee,Freddi Lewin,Y. Li,Alberto Lopes,Mohamed Lotayef,B. Maciejewski,Jean‐Jacques Mazeron,Samir Mehta,Wojciech Michalski,James Moon,Sung Ho Moon,Elizabeth Moyal,Matthew Nankivell,Per Nilsson,P. Olmi,Roberto Orecchia,Brian O’Sullivan,Jens Overgaard,Max Parmar,Claire Petit,Jean‐Pierre Pignon,Y. Pointreau,Marshall R. Posner,Michael Poulsen,Harvey Quon,S. Racadot,David I. Rosenthal,P Rovea,Maria Grazia Ruo Redda,Giuseppe Sanguineti,G. Shenouda,John Simes,Atul Sharma,Christian Simon,C. Sire,Krzysztof Składowski,S. Spencer,S. Staar,P. Strojan,C. Stromberger,Rafał Suwiński,Z. Szutkowski,Zoltán Takácsi‐Nagy,Yungan Tao,Stéphane Temam,David Thomson,Jeffrey Tobias,Pedro A. Torres‐Saavedra,Valter Torri,Lee Tripcony,A. Trotti,Vassilikì Tseroni,C. van Herpen,Harm van Tinteren,Jan B. Vermorken,Célia M. Viégas,Everett E. Vokes,John Waldron,Klaus–Dieter Wernecke,Joachim Widder,Gregory T. Wolf,Stuart J. Wong,Jianlin Wu,Hideya Yamazaki,Branko Zaktonik,Björn Zackrisson,Lai‐ping Zhong
Background Randomised, controlled trials and meta-analyses have shown the survival benefit of concomitant chemoradiotherapy or hyperfractionated radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer. However, the relative efficacy of these treatments is unknown. We aimed to determine whether one treatment was superior to the other. Methods We did a frequentist network meta-analysis based on individual patient data of meta-analyses evaluating the role of chemotherapy (Meta-Analysis of Chemotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer [MACH-NC]) and of altered fractionation radiotherapy (Meta-Analysis of Radiotherapy in Carcinomas of Head and Neck [MARCH]). Randomised, controlled trials that enrolled patients with non-metastatic head and neck squamous cell cancer between Jan 1, 1980, and Dec 31, 2016, were included. We used a two-step random-effects approach, and the log-rank test, stratified by trial to compare treatments, with locoregional therapy as the reference. Overall survival was the primary endpoint. The global Cochran Q statistic was used to assess homogeneity and consistency and P score to rank treatments (higher scores indicate more effective therapies). Findings 115 randomised, controlled trials, which enrolled patients between Jan 1, 1980, and April 30, 2012, yielded 154 comparisons (28 978 patients with 19 253 deaths and 20 579 progression events). Treatments were grouped into 16 modalities, for which 35 types of direct comparisons were available. Median follow-up based on all trials was 6·6 years (IQR 5·0–9·4). Hyperfractionated radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy (HFCRT) was ranked as the best treatment for overall survival (P score 97%; hazard ratio 0·63 [95% CI 0·51–0·77] compared with locoregional therapy). The hazard ratio of HFCRT compared with locoregional therapy with concomitant chemoradiotherapy with platinum-based chemotherapy (CLRTP) was 0·82 (95% CI 0·66–1·01) for overall survival. The superiority of HFCRT was robust to sensitivity analyses. Three other modalities of treatment had a better P score, but not a significantly better HR, for overall survival than CLRTP (P score 78%): induction chemotherapy with taxane, cisplatin, and fluorouracil followed by locoregional therapy (ICTaxPF-LRT; 89%), accelerated radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy (82%), and ICTaxPF followed by CLRT (80%). Interpretation The results of this network meta-analysis suggest that further intensifying chemoradiotherapy, using HFCRT or ICTaxPF-CLRT, could improve outcomes over chemoradiotherapy for the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer. Fundings French Institut National du Cancer, French Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer, and Fondation ARC.